Page of Cups/Sister of Water

page of cups

The Page of Cups transitions us from the foundational aspects of the suit of Cups, love, emotion, and intuition, to the more complex.  This is the transition to big love and complex emotions.  Like the other Pages, the Page of Cups reminds us to pause and reflect before charging forward.  In this case, we’re pausing for a moment and looking at the world through a child’s eyes again.  We’re allowing ourselves to be surprised by joy and love that’s all around us.  

The first thing I notice about the Page of Cups is the fish jumping out of the cup.  The fish is a representation of Pisces – the most intuitive sign. However, the fish jumping out of the cup is also reflective of the possibility that we are due for a surprise.  Fish are symbolic of emotion.  And like fish, our emotions are unpredictable and always in motion.  Like all court cards, the card combines two elements.  In this case, earth and water.  The combination of earth and water remind me of mud.  Or, the childlike joy we can experience when we allow ourselves to find our own way to “play in the mud”.  The ocean behind the Page is symbolic of infinite possibilities – just like a child is full of limitless potential for love, for good, for creation, for joy.

Upright: The Page of Cups symbolizes a pleasant surprise coming your way.  The card is also a call to let your creativity surface.  You may have a creative project bubbling up in your mind.  Let it out.  Take a dance class, paint a picture.  The message is to be open to an unexpected surprise.  Do something just for the joy of it, even if it doesn’t make sense or fit neatly into your plans.  The card is also an indication that your intuition is very clear right now.  Pay attention to your dreams or feelings of synchronicity.

Reversal: When the Page of Cups appears reversed, it is an indication that we need to make some time for play.  All work will exhaust us and lead us burnt out and cranky.  Take a break and you’ll come back stronger than ever.  Alternatively, a reversal can indicate a creative block.  Give yourself some space to play and allow your creativity a chance to blossom.

The Page of Cups calls on us to play.  Do something that wakes up your spirit and breaks you out of your day-to-day routine.  Spend some time outside, get a manicure, play with an animal you meet in the park, grab a cup of coffee at your favorite cafe – give yourself a present.  This is a card that calls on us to surprise ourselves with some joy.

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