Full Moon in Virgo 3-Card Spread

The Full Moon in Virgo is a special full moon because it’s the last full moon before spring. The Virgo energy calls on our inner grounded perfectionist as well as our inner humanitarian.  The energy of this full moon is more receptive than action oriented – much like the Virgo’s Hermit card, so a big ceremony isn’t necessary.  This simple three-card spread provides guidance for a meditation on what to release, what to manifest and how to cultivate a mind of compassion as we move forward.

full moon in virgo spread

Use this to spread to create a wish to use the full moon in Virgo to manifest your best self.  Ask the universe to help you achieve this wish.  ❤


New Moon in Aquarius: 3-Card Spread

The New Moon in Aquarius is coming up on Thursday, February 15th.  This is an important moon for clearing away what’s not serving us and releasing what’s dragging us down.  Importantly, February only has a new moon – there’s no full moon this month.  Do some reflection on what areas of our life need improvement.  A spotlight may come up intuitively and nudge you in a certain direction.  Use the following new moon three-card spread to investigate and observe.  Set your intention to clear away what’s no longer serving us.

This particular new moon also is a partial eclipse.  This provides an extra opportunity to reboot.  Finally, the new moon in Aquarius is about a leap of faith.  This Aquarius energy tells us to go all-in – what do you need to let go of in order to run full steam ahead?  Be brave and trust in the universe to guide you.

new moon in aquarius